Angela Highland
author : Angela Highland
The very first thing Angela ever wrote, at age 8, was a short story about a girl spirited away to rule over the leprechauns for a day. She progressed rapidly to pretending to take notes in class when she was actually writing novels, and writing fanfic before she had any idea what fanfic was! Music has been a part of her life almost as long, thanks to six years playing flute and piccolo in school band and an adulthood dabbling in flute, guitar, bouzouki, and mandolin. In anything she writes, music is likely to make an appearance.\n\nAngela (Anna the Piper to her friends) lives in Kenmore, Washington, along with her partner and housemate, two cats, and a whole heck of a lot of computers and musical instruments. Despite the fact that she is a mild-mannered former employee of a major metropolitan newspaper, rumors that she is a superhero are exaggerated. (Even if she did pull the door off a refrigerator.)\n\nAs Angela Korra'ti, she writes the Free Court of Seattle urban fantasy series. As Angela Highland, she writes the Rebels of Adalonia high fantasy trilogy, available from Carina Press. Come say hi to her at!